Orchid Sushi & Chinese Buffet

3.0 review_stars 
($$), Sushi, Asian Fusion
Hours today: 11:00am-9:30pm
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Location Icon 4250 LA-22
Mandeville, LA 70471
Phone Icon Phone: (985) 624-2828
Neighborhood Icon Neighborhood: Mandeville


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Sushi, Asian Fusion

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Top Reviews of Orchid Sushi & Chinese Buffet

review_stars 06/10/2018 - MenuPix User
It was 3 PM on a Friday, I asked the lady if they were serving lunch or dinner, she said lunch and sat me. I went to the buffet served up some soup, but every food tray was EMPTY, NO FOOD! I asked the waitress, she said she would check with he chef, he came out and asked which ONE would you like? I said I would like to try all of them, it is a buffet.
They talked... then said we are closed now. I was shocked! They had no problem seating me, which means no problem TAKING MY MONEY so I could scrounge crumbs for full $$$. THIEVES! I LEFT. The cook followed me outside, not apologizing but saying "we closed now" repeatedly. Now I got really mad, grabbed the temporary sign in the garden dirt "ORCHID WE ARE OPEN NOW", pulled it up, showed it to him and yelled "LIER!" BAD PEOPLE, BAD PEOPLE TAKE MONEY GIVE NO FOOD"

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